Seminar: Querying Structured Knowledge Bases with the YodaQA System
Date and time | 17. 3. 2016 10:30 - 12:00 |
Room | 473 NB |
Querying Structured Knowledge Bases with the YodaQA System
Speakers: Petr Baudiš
We will present the YodaQA system, a general-purpose, end-to-end question answering system that we are developing at the 3C Group of FEE CTU. Question Answering is a wide task, so we will focus on factoid QA on structured knowledge bases (DBpedia and Freebase), describing the way we analyze questions, build and execute the queries and score answers. Aside of that, we will discuss other state-of-art approaches to this task, issues with scientific evaluation of such systems and practical concerns when given a concrete task and a large knowledge base. Of course, you will also see the system in action!