Seminar: Machine Learning and the Semantic Web, EKAW 2006, Poděbrady
Date and time | 10. 3. 2005 10:30 - 12:00 |
Room | 403 NB |
Machine Learning and the Semantic Web
Speakers: Martin Labský
This talk will summarize the ML for SW’ seminar, held at Dagstuhl, Germany, 15.–18.2, 2004. The presentation will be organized into two parts. The first part will outline the topics discussed at the seminar; these include information extraction from (un)structured texts, wrapping web pages, text summarization, ontology learning, and duplicate detection. The audience will choose topic(s) of particular interest, which will be presented in detail. The second part of the talk will describe the current status of the Rainbow information extraction tool, which extracts product offerings from web pages, and is based on hidden markov models and a domain ontology. A demo of the tool will be given.’
EKAW 2006, Poděbrady
Speakers: Vojtěch Svátek