Seminar: Ontology Learning as a Part of a Scientific Portal Generator
Date and time | 3. 11. 2005 10:30 - 12:00 |
Room | 403 NB |
Ontology Learning as a Part of a Scientific Portal Generator
Speakers: Vít Nováček
A new ontology–acquisition framework will be discussed in the context of PortaGe – an ongoing project aiming at semi–automatic generation of scientific web portals. PortaGe is meant as an extension of the existing tools such as Google Scholar ( or CiteSeer ( The role ontologies play in PortaGe and the consequences in the form of requirement specification for the automatic acquisition system will be briefly summarized. OLE – a new ontology acquisition framework and OLITE – its essential part designed primarily for the extraction of detailed semantic relations from unstructured plain–text data will be introduced. A brief comparative overview of other relevant approaches and related works in the field of ontology learning will also be delivered.