Seminar: FiRE a Fuzzy Reasoning Engine for imprecise knowledge

Date and time 17. 5. 2007 10:30 - 12:00
Room 403 NB

FiRE a Fuzzy Reasoning Engine for imprecise knowledge

Speakers: Nikolaos Simou

Description Logics formalism is a modern knowledge representation language that has gained considerable attention the last decade. Today many applications use Description Logics (DLs) to represent knowledge and to perform reasoning tasks in order to deduce new knowledge out of the explicitly stated one. Some examples are the Semantic Web, multimedia and image processing, medical informatics, databases and many more. A problem that occurs in many of these domains is a huge amount of imprecise and vague knowledge and information. FiRE (Fuzzy Reasoning Engine) is an implementation of an extension of DL SHIN with fuzzy set theory that allows the management of such information. A presentation of the fuzzy DL SHIN will be made. Moreover the syntax, the inference services, the integration with the RDF-Store Sesame and the future extensions of FiRE will be presented.