Seminar: OWL: Experiences and Direction (OWLED-08), Karlsruhe, Germany, Automatic recognition and exploitation of patterns in ontologies

Date and time 4. 12. 2008 10:30 - 12:00
Room 403 NB

OWL: Experiences and Direction (OWLED-08), Karlsruhe, Germany

Speakers: Vojtěch Svátek

Automatic recognition and exploitation of patterns in ontologies

Speakers: Ondřej Šváb-Zamazal

The notion of pattern appears in various flavours in connection with ontologies. The most commonly mentioned ones are the design patterns (either logical or content ones) intended to support the ontology designer in the process of constructing an ontology. We however focus on a different scenario: automatic recognition of various types of patterns in existing ontologies and in ontology alignments. We will briefly review the state of the art and discuss our own work concerning the use of pattern libraries for detecting errors in ontologies, for enabling smarter mapping between ontologies, and for allowing custom transformations of ontologies with minimal information loss.