Seminar: Knowledge databases in the Czech libraries: the possibility of their further use?

Date and time 11. 6. 2009 10:30 - 12:00
Room 336 RB

Knowledge databases in the Czech libraries: the possibility of their further use?

Speakers: Jindřich Mynarz

Czech libraries, in addition to brokerage services and information resources, dedicates to building a knowledge databases. National Library of the Czech Republic in co-operative system with other libraries creates a authority database which contains brief information about persons, institutions and subject terms. This database is continuously updated. It is also accessible online via Z39.50. State Technical Library creates Polythematic Structured Subject Heading System (PSH), tool (Czech-English dictionar) to organize and search for documents by subject. In 2009 it was PSH converted to SKOS, which are used for simple observations that knowledge systems in the data model of RDF. State Technical Library allows further use of PSH in the context of Czech version of Creative Commons licenses.