Seminar: Publishing the database of the University of Economics’ publication activity as linked data
Date and time | 25. 11. 2010 10:30 - 12:00 |
Room | 403 NB |
Publishing the database of the University of Economics’ publication activity as linked data
Speakers: Jitka Hladká
The database of publication activity represents a set of bibliographic information about the publications of the members of the University of Economics. In this seminar we will discuss the process converting this dataset to an RDF-based data and the reasoning behind this reflecting its main advantages which stem from the possibilities opened by having the data published as linked open data. We will describe our approach we have chosen for converting and exposing the data step by step while providing a suggested best practice for each phase. In the course of this we will deal with the issues such as identifying entities in the dataset, data modelling, cleaning and consolidation, generating links to external datasets, or building a light-weight user interface on top of the data. We will argue that the outcome of this exercise can be easily integrated with other data, queried with a greater flexibility, and that the resulting dataset is more usable for other applications and can be re-purposed by citation managers, link resolvers, and the like.