Seminar: Advertising with Linked Data in Web Content: From Semantic SEO to E-Commerce on the Web 3.0
Date and time | 6. 4. 2011 11:00 - 13:00 |
Room | Klub knihovny CIKS |
Advertising with Linked Data in Web Content: From Semantic SEO to E-Commerce on the Web 3.0
Speakers: Martin Hepp
Martin Hepp is a professor of general management and e-business at Universität der Bundeswehr München in Germany, where he heads the e-business and Web Science Research Group. He holds a master’s degree in business management and business information systems and a PhD in business information systems from the University of Wuerzburg (Germany). His key research interest is in using structured, linked data on a Web scale for e-business, in particular matchmaking and product data reuse. As part of his research, he developed the GoodRelations and eClassOWL ontologies, now widely used by companies like Google, Yahoo, and BestBuy for describing offers on the Web. Also, he was the organizer of more than fifteen workshops and conference tracks on conceptual modeling, Semantic Web topics, and information systems and member of more than sixty conference and workshop program committees, including ASWC, ESWC, IEEE CEC/EEE, and ECIS, and is an associate editor of the International Journal on Semantic Web and Information Systems (IJSWIS). More information and publications are available at The talk will be jointly organized by the Knowledge Engineering Group, by the Semanti-CS initiative, and by APEK – the Czech association for e-commerce. (The slides of the talk are also online at