Seminar: GAIN: Tool for Collecting and Processing of Implicit Feedback, Using association rules in the JBoss Drools system
Date and time | 2. 5. 2013 10:30 - 12:00 |
Room | 336 RB |
GAIN: Tool for Collecting and Processing of Implicit Feedback
Speakers: Jaroslav Kuchař
We will introduce GAIN (General Analytics INterceptor), tool for collecting and processing of implicit feedback. The tool is designed to gather interactions of users on semantically annotated content – be it web pages or TV news. The collected interactions are processed in order to derive level of user interest. This talk is focused on the approaches and the workflow in the context of LinkedTV project. The presentation also involves short overview of architecture and presentation of demo.
Using association rules in the JBoss Drools system
Speakers: Stanislav Vojíř
The talk will address the problem of converting GUHA association rules to the data formats of business rules (SBVR, SWRL etc.). We will present the problem analysis, a sample transformation model for the mentioned data formats (business rule languages), but also practical inferences in the business rule system JBoss Drools. The practical use case addresses recommendation of user’s interest preferences in the EU LinkedTV project.